
Today in class we went over GRASP as our afternoon lecture. Our homework was to spread the gospel of GRASP on our blogs for the entire world to see. Prepare yourselves.

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Json And Xml

Our homework for this weekend was to explore a little bit of JSON and XML. Tim wanted the following info formatted in both ways:

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We’ve been going over design patterns for the past two days. A few of them we have already implemented, but we’ve been going over and Tim has been explaining the ones we aren’t already familiar with. For our homework tonight, we’re to research the Observer pattern and talk about the language features supported by Java that enable the pattern.

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9/19/19 Liskov's Principle

So today we went over a whole slew of concepts and changed our programs about 3 times going through various ways of doing the same thing, but better and each time we used a concept that looks to be more maintanable and scalable. Instead of using If/then statements we now have entirely homebuilt commands that can be simply added in. It’s pretty cool.

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9/18/19 The Deep End

So I figured I’d start putting the date in the title so it would make it easier to keep track of. We’ll see how it works.

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